Village Information
Village Map and Street Directory A street plan of Chearsley, including a directory of all properties in the village. November 2017 version, based on the original by Ted Hooton.
Chearsley - Living Through History by Ted Hooton. A history of the village from the most ancient times up to 1993 (This is a large file that may take a while to download)
What's On
Chearsley News. Our village Newsletter, delivered by email, providing information on What's On. To subscribe and ensure you stay up to date, contact [email protected]
Chearsley Blog This site provides a wide range of information about the village and what's going on
Village Facebook page carries similar information to the Blog and Chearsley News for those that prefer this medium. It is a closed group but access is available to any Chearsley resident. To request access email [email protected]
(Chearsley News, Chearsley Blog and the Facebook page carry similar information but do not all report all events. To ensure you don't miss anything, its best to ensure you have access to all three)
Clubs & Societies, Regular Events
Chearsley WI to join a welcoming group of women
Chearsley Cricket Club if you have any interest in cricket, as a player or a general helping hand, the club would love to hear from you
Chearsley Village Historic Society to learn more about the history of our village and it's surroundings
Classic Car Show with over 500 cars and other vehicles from across the years, plus stalls and sideshows
Village Show to learn more about our traditional village show
Village Trust financial grants to individuals and organisations in Chearsley
Village and local services
The Bell A warm welcome awaits all who walk through the door
Chearsley Business Directory The first stop for information about village businesses
Chearsley Good Neighbours. For Chearsley residents needing a lift to the local shops, doctors, etc. Send an email request.
Chearsley Village Hall See what's on at the new village hall and make your booking
CHUF Pre-school CHUF welcomes children from two years old to school entry age at Chearsley Village Hall
Fix My Street To report potholes and other highway problems to Bucks Council
Haddenham Community Vehicle. Free local transport for those that can't get themselves around. Serves Chearsley.
Rose Dale’s Organic Farm For organically produced meat from pure grass fed livestock.
St Nicholas Church Information, news and what's on at our beautiful 11th Century church
TVP Neighbourhood Policing Team. Contact details for our local team
Waste Collection Bucks Council bin service - your collection dates