The Village Trust was traditionally funded from a share of the proceeds of the village carnival or fete.
At the time it ceased to operate, there were funds remaining in the Trust bank account, and a large part of the work in re-launching has been recovering those funds. That has now been achieved.
There was also significant difficulty opening a new bank account, due largely to the impact of the pandemic. An ex-gratia payment was subsequently received from the bank as an apology for the difficulties caused.
The village was also extremely fortunate to benefit from a payment from Aylesbury Vale Housing Trust when the new homes were built in Winchendon Road. This arose from AVHT wishing to contribute to the community into which they were placing their clients.
The AVHT funds were originally paid to the Parish Council, but the Council decided it would be more proper for the Trust to disperse the funds. In doing so however, the Council made a requested on how some of the funds would be used. This request was agreed by the Trustees and resulted in some payments that were larger than usual. These are identified as ‘Exceptional Payments’
Discussion on how the Trust will be funded in the future are on-going.
Full details of all income and expenditure are provided in the Financial Statement