All Parish Councils are funded through the Council Tax by means of a Parish Precept, which is set annually by each Council.
There is a certain minimum level of Precept required to cover administrative costs plus a minimum level of essential maintenance. The Precept set by Chearsley Parish Council covers this essential minimum but additionally provides funds to run a number of projects each year that provide ongoing improvements to the village environment.
The Parish Precept is a small part of the total Council Tax paid by each household and is spent entirely for the benefit of Chearsley residents, maintaining and improving our historic village as an attractive place to live.
The amounts of the Parish Precept, the resultant Chearsley element of Council Tax and the total Council Tax paid by a Band D household are shown below for the last five years.
Households in Bands A to C pay less, and in Bands E-H more, according to a nationally applied formula.